or How Do I Make Money with Valigara?

What is Return on Investment (ROI) in a jewelry software?

“Is Valigara good for my business?” ,”Isn’t it too expensive for me today?” ,”How do I return the money I put in Valigara subscription?”  

When allocating a budget for business software, you’re investing, and you have to know it will be profitable. Return On Investment (ROI) is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency or profit of an investment. We wrote down the common cases after seeing hundreds of different jewelry businesses using Valigara. 


ROI Net Profit / Cost of Investment

Retailer, no online presence


  • Convert an existing sales team member to eCommerce.
  • Utilize the waiting time of in-store salespeople


  1. Current B&M store turnover, monthly: $100K
  2. eCommerce sales share, after 1 year: 20%
  3. Standard revenue rate: 30%
  4. Initial social advertising budget/month: $1000
  5. Valigara monthly cost: $800


ROI calculation

  1. Monthly Net Online Sales Revenue:
    $100K*20%*30%-$1K =$5,000
  2. ROI= 5,000/800 = 625%

Single eCommerce channel


  • Grow eCommerce revenue
  • Reduce costs of eCommerce operation

Operational impact:

  1. Valigara saves 80% of the cost of eCommerce operation
  2. eCommerce operator monthly salary: $4000
  3. Valigara monthly cost: $800
  4. Operational ROI = (4000*80%) / 800 = 400%
eCommerce growth:
  1. Current eCommerce volume, monthly: $50K
  2. eCommerce growth rate, after 1 year: 20%
  3. Standard revenue rate: 25%
  4. Sales ROI = ($50K*20%*25%) / $800 = 312%

eCommerce: Inventory utilization

Issue solved:

  • Large part of the inventory is not available online, causing sales loss. 


  • Upload the inventory online to generate sales.


  1. Current monthly sales: $50K
  2. Standard revenue rate: 25%
  3. Average Valigara package (for eCommerce sellers) $630
  4. 50% – 80% items are not online
    1. Sales growth: 100% – 400%
  5. Opportunity loss:
    1. low: $50K*100% = $50K
    2. high: $50K*400% = $200K

ROI calculation

    1. low: $50K * 25% / 630 = 1980%
    2. high: $200K * 25% / 630 = 7900%

eCommerce: Team at full capacity

Issue solved:

  • Growth limit due to eCommerce team’s full capacity, causing sales loss. 


  • Expand to additional sales channels, while using the same team


  1. Automation increases the team’s capacity by 2 channels
  2. Each channel sales addition, after 1 year of operation: 20% – 100%
  3. Valigara cost (3 channels): $900
  4. Standard revenue rate: 25%
  5. Current monthly sales: $50K


ROI calculation:

    1. low: $50K * (20%+20%) * 25%/ 900 = 555%
    2. high: $50K * (100%+100%) * 25% /900 = 2777%

eCommerce: Amazon seller

Issues solved:

  1. improve Attributes -> mappings -> 30-200% visibility, 25% CRO
  2. improve descriptions / EBC / A+ content -> CRO increase: 10% for fashion, 20% for fine and loose
  3. seasoned titles & faster update rate -> increase up to 25% in sales
  4. optimize titles -> visibility: up to 50%
  5. add/optimize bullets -> CRO: up to 30%
  6. add promotional images -> 10% CRO increase
  7. fix formats/variations -> 30-100% CRO increase

ROI calculation:

  1. Sales growth, brutto
    1. low: 0.3+0.25+0.1+0.25 +0.5 +0.3 +0.1 +0.3 = 210%
    2. high: 2+0.25+0.2+0.25 +0.5 +0.3 +0.1 +1 = 460%
  2. Current Monthly sales: $50K
  3. Revenue rate: 20%
  4. Valigara monthly cost: $800
  5. ROI
    1. low: ($50K*210%*20%)/800 = 2625%
    2. high: ($50K*460%*20%)/800 = 5750%

eCommerce: eBay seller

issues solved:

  1. fully used Item Specifics (recommended, custom) -> mappings -> 30-200% visibility, 25% CRO
  2. designed descriptions -> increase CRO (conversion), 10% for fashion, 20% for fine and loose
  3. seasoned titles & faster update rate -> increase up to 25% sales rate
  4. optimize titles , below 73 chars -> visibility : up to 50%
  5. add promotional images -> 10% CRO increase
  6. fix listing formats -> 30-100% CRO increase


ROI calculation:

  1. Sales growth, brutto
    1. Low: 0.3+0.25+0.1+0.25 +0.5 +0.1 +0.3 = 180%
    2. High: 2+0.25+0.2+0.25 +0.5 +0.1 +1 = 430%
  2. Current Monthly sales: $50K
  3. Standard revenue rate: 25%
  4. Valigara monthly cost: $800
  5. ROI
    1. low: ($50K*180%*25%)/800 = 2812%
    2. high: ($50K*430%*25%)/800 = 6719%

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