Business intelligence tools
BI tools help jewelry sellers to improve their decision-making and collaboration with customers. It provides the means for efficient reporting through data analysis and stats.
Valigara’s BI tools provide actionable insights into your business and provide detailed guidance for growth opportunities.

More than 100 alerts to help you grow
Valigara Dashboard helps you to quickly identify points that drag your performance back and stresses the missed opportunities. Multiple factors summarize your current account status, providing products-based feedback, channel-specific opportunities, and alerts on ineffective or conflicting situations.
Want to get a quick boost in sales? Here are some examples:
- Missing tags, keywords, and detailed information about products.
- Products with low image count
- Ineffective products title or description
- Inactive items or jewelry with a low number of views
- Wrong marketplace-related settings (shipping, posting format, etc.)
All the information is unified using our unique Online Health algorithm, which grades your current online performance and allows to follow your business direction.
C-Level Performance Report
A high-level business summary of eCommerce performance: jewelry distribution, sales summary, clients, online activity, and account operation summary. Receive a monthly report via email to keep up with the latest changes.
The report enables the C-Level management to identify trends and growth potentials within their company. The set of analytical reports aids in formulating strategies for achieving business goals and objectives.
Product Changelog
It is the right place to find the complete history of product online performance. Changelog provides data for deeper analytics: views and sales graphs help to identify your actions’ impact on the sales performance.
For example, compare the current website price of the jewelry with the previous one, and see how it changes your total sales volume.
Jewelry Comparative Statistics
Building and growing a successful business requires a solid strategy grounded in facts. It is essential to use accurate data to guide intelligent decisions.
Integrated statistics and sales and client behavior analysis are vital for building business strategy.
- Compare the performance of the whole collection or each item (model, material, gemstone etс) on different sales channels.
- Your data is kept forever, allowing for better analysis
- Find out trends and the way seasonality affects your jewelry business.
- Analyze your products, orders, clients, online presence and more