Selling Jewelry on Sears

Targeting the US market
The Sears Marketplace is a significant channel for jewelry distribution, especially while targeting to US market. As the selling on the marketplace is open to the US businesses only, the competition on the marketplace is more limited. Jewelry sold by third party retailers are listed alongside the jewelry from the generic Sears catalog. Similar to Amazon and eBay, Sears provides the option of fulfillment services.
Branding the jewelry
One of the most established brands in retail business both online and offline, both in the US market and worldwide, Sears adds the credibility to your jewelry by adding its trustworthy Sears brand name. To comply with the Sears requirements, uploading jewelry to Sears marketplace might require supplying several special additional attributes and information. But it pays out by granting your jewelry the exposure to the most important market in the world.
Link the Offline and Online sales
Importantly, Sears is not limited with the online marketplace. It has a unique presence in the traditional brick-and-mortar stores. This makes the extension of your eCommerce jewelry business to offline as quick as possible. Sears itself provides all required solutions, and your target audience is ready for searching your jewelry in the offline stores.
What makes selling on Sears with Valigara better?
- Post and Update your jewelry to Sears, in bulk
- Duplicate your existing listings from other channels to Sears
- Support Listing variations
- Automatically fill in the listing specifics based on the jewelry parameters
- Sync your jewelry inventory with other online and offline channels
- Create schedule to automatically update listings details
- Make listing changes as the gold price, currency rates, gemstone or other jewelry parameters change