We all understand the importance of an online presence in today’s day and age. Even when selling tangible products, like jewelry, a business needs an optimized digital medium to increase visibility, widen its market share, build a following, convert leads, and so on.
But way too many businesses focus solely on this technological aspect and forget there is more behind corporate success. Selling is all about people, so that’s where the spotlight should be. Let’s review three people-driven elements that should be considered first and foremost.
Understanding your niche
Let’s say you’ve defined your niche as men’s jewelry for individuals within a certain age or income bracket. How are you getting them to pay attention to you? Are you speaking to the needs and wants of those specific men, or are you just filling up blank spaces with words? If your content marketing isn’t touching their heartstrings, you’ll soon be biting the dust together with a dozen other competitors who failed to understand their niche.
Before listing your first product online, you must understand your target market’s psychographics. Where do they hang out online? What type of words and expressions do they use in their conversations? What are they trying to achieve, and how can your product make that happen? Until you fully understand your prospects, your growth will be stifled.
Validating your ideas
Innovation is a key component in staying relevant in any industry. With the advent of AI and VR, the jewelry industry has been modernizing rapidly. However, there is a difference between having a unique new idea and bringing more value to your customers. Not every innovation is a breakthrough, and as a business owner, you need to learn how to distinguish them.
In his book “Will It Fly,” passive income expert Pat Flynn explains the need to test a new idea before launching it. While jumping on every trend bandwagon may be tempting, in Pat’s words, “speed is only useful if you’re running in the right direction.” Taking the time to confirm the need for your new idea can mean the difference between wasting money and hitting the jackpot.
Establishing your brand image, tone of voice, and UVP
Is your product turning heads, or is it fading out in the light of its competition? Coco Chanel said, “in order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” We’d like to change that last word to unique. Whether you’re the black sheep in the American vernacular or the white crow, as the Russian idiom portrays it, you have to differentiate yourself by creating that irresistible unique value proposition (UVP) that everyone wants.
Think about it; people want to stand out, not blend in. Today’s society celebrates differences and authenticity. Don’t be afraid to be bold while also staying true to your core values and goals. This is particularly important when it comes to jewelry, as people often use these products to portray an identity or make a statement.
We’ve just scratched the surface regarding all the bits and pieces you should consider when establishing your online jewelry business. Other items like business culture, organization, processes, and monitoring are just as crucial. The main idea, however, is not to get stuck on website design and SEO without having looked at the whole picture first. A business is more than the technology behind it; it’s primarily about its people, both those running it and those using its products.